First, I want to thank everyone who entered the Pampers giveaway! That post was extremely special to me because of my passion for Soccer. I was honored to host such an awesome giveaway. The winner was randomly selected and posted on the original post. The winner has already been contacted with all the details, thank you all again. We are still a little heart broken at our house because of Mexico's loss, but happily cheering on Brazil for the win. I also want to inform my readers that I will begin posting more sponsored posts, but will not turn this blog into one of those giveaway blogs. I will never post anything on my blog that doesn't reflect my style or who I am. I hope you stick around regardless of all the sponsored posts. This is a new opportunity that has come up, and I am beyond excited to be sharing with everyone amazing businesses and products.
Lastly, I wanted to update you guys on my breastfeeding issue. A huge apology if my previous post was a little TMI, but hey it's my space and I can share whatever I want, right? Any how, I found two products that saved my life. I am so glad I read about them and gave them a try. I'll definitely be doing a review on those two items in the near future. If you are facing any breastfeeding problems of would love more info on breastfeeding Kelly Mom is the place to find everything! Thanks Courtney for your advice. Hope you all have a great week! Thanks for stopping by. xoxo
Lastly, I wanted to update you guys on my breastfeeding issue. A huge apology if my previous post was a little TMI, but hey it's my space and I can share whatever I want, right? Any how, I found two products that saved my life. I am so glad I read about them and gave them a try. I'll definitely be doing a review on those two items in the near future. If you are facing any breastfeeding problems of would love more info on breastfeeding Kelly Mom is the place to find everything! Thanks Courtney for your advice. Hope you all have a great week! Thanks for stopping by. xoxo

breastfeeding problems
mom blog
Last week we had a few "firsts". Some were very sweet while others were not so much. If you follow me on Instagram I posted a picture sharing that I started the weaning process. About three weeks ago both of my breast felt extremely sore every time Evan nursed. I ignored it until I began to see my skin cracking or blistering and left me in intolerable pain during and after every feeding. Even though I knew Evan wasn't ready to stop breastfeeding, I decided it would be best to end this chapter. Evan wasn't(isn't) okay with that. He's constantly asking me to nurse him, and saying no is extremely difficult. When I say no he gets so upset and it just breaks my heart. These past few days have been hell. The cuts(or cracked skin) seal between feedings, but once Evan latches on they open up again. My frustration was over the roof because I had no idea what to do. Wednesday night I lost it and decided to just let Evan cry it out. Worst idea EVER! The crying was endless. I got no sleep, but managed to NOT breastfeed Evan all night for the first time, ever. The cry out method isn't for us. It may work for others, but I felt horrible inside. I've realized that saying goodbye to breastfeeding isn't the best idea right now. If Evan still wants to breastfeed I can't force him to wean overnight. Honestly I don't think I'm ready either.
In the morning I felt so bad. We wanted to take him somewhere special to make it up to him. We decided to go out for frozen yogurt(his first time) and he loved it. I don't know why we waited so long to take him. Unfortunately I have no pictures to share his excitement. After our lovely date we were surprised with rain. It just felt like such a magical day. I didn't think it could get any better but it did. Evan saw his first rainbow that day. He kept saying blue. It was such a beautiful experience. We ended that day with a quick stop to Toys R Us and spoiled him with a new toy. We had a nice family date, and he seemed to forgive us for putting him through such a rough night.

As far as my issue, I continue to apply lanolin and hope for it to heal soon. I always say this, but being a mother is such a beautiful challenge. My current issue is just another daily challenge that I'm sure I will surpass staying positive. I'm currently using this method to help heal. To all of you nursing mamas reading this, any weaning tips, or a remedy that will heal my skin?? Thank you for reading!
The soccer giveaway ft. Pampers has been extended until Thursday!! Who wouldn't want soccer goodies and free Pampers products? CLICK HERE to enter. xoxo
The soccer giveaway ft. Pampers has been extended until Thursday!! Who wouldn't want soccer goodies and free Pampers products? CLICK HERE to enter. xoxo

father's day
sugarplum lane
Our weekend consisted of soccer games, swimming, and little too much online shopping. I felt like a horrible girlfriend because I completely forgot to make a Father's Day gift. I wanted to give him something sentimental, something handmade from Evan and I, but that didn't happen this year. I ordered him a box full of goodies from his favorite online shop. I'll definitely be prepared next year.
We received the cutest little bloomers from Sugarplum Lane last week. They are so adorable and perfect for the Summer. I have been so obsessed with pineapple print. When I opened up our package I may have squealed a bit. Prepare yourself for a picture overload. Working with a new camera makes it difficult for me to choose just a few pictures.
We received the cutest little bloomers from Sugarplum Lane last week. They are so adorable and perfect for the Summer. I have been so obsessed with pineapple print. When I opened up our package I may have squealed a bit. Prepare yourself for a picture overload. Working with a new camera makes it difficult for me to choose just a few pictures.

I feel like Evan is always so serious in most pictures, but I promise you he is always laughing and smiling. I was so happy to finally capture that beautiful smile of his. I can't get over how crazy beautiful this kid is. For the past month he went from calling me "mama" to "mami." My heart melts every time he calls my name. If it was hard to say no before, it's a hundred times harder now. Anytime he wanted to go outside or play with bubbles it was a yes. We munched on watermelon all weekend long, and splashing water all over the place was part of our weekend agenda. We had a wonderful Father's Day weekend, hope you did too!

Don't forget to enter the Pampers SOCCER giveaway!! Thanks!! xoxo
mi equipo mi herencia
This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. All opinions are 100% mine.
I don't think I have ever been so excited about summer fútbol. It could possibly be because I get to share this experience with my little Evan. Since I was little I remember this event being the highlight of many of our Summers. We would watch every game and when our team played you better believe we cheered them on like we were there front row and center. Watching my team win in 2002 was legendary and possibly the most memorable. This year we plan on doing just the same. Watching all games together as a family. We celebrate wins and losses with lots of food, cold beverages, and plenty of dessert. Once we see everyone with their team's jersey, we know it's time to watch some fútbol. This year Pampers has come up with a brilliant idea to show off and support your team.
Pampers is bringing Latino families and their babies together to honor two very important aspects of their lives: national pride and a love of fútbol. Pampers Latino is launching "Mi Equipo, Mi Herencia" Virtual Stadium app and sweepstakes on the Pampers Latino Facebook page, to celebrate these two very quintessential parts of life in a memorable way. I am passionate about Soccer and experiencing this app for myself was great. I think it's cute and fun. After I uploaded and adjusted Evan's little face I was surprised with an adorable picture. I'll have to add this image to Evan's scrapbook, and when he's older I can share stories about our experience and excitement with each soccer game.
We invite your baby to be part of a once in a lifetime opportunity. And with the protection from Pampers he can live it without any interruptions. Passion for soccer and your team's colors are inherited, so upload your baby's photo and enjoy each game together! Enroll him at "My Team. My Heritage." and you'll have a chance to win a year of FREE Pamper diapers and wipes! How amazing is that? On top of that amazing opportunity, Pampers is giving away a box full of Soccer goodies to one lucky reader. All details are down below.
I don't think I have ever been so excited about summer fútbol. It could possibly be because I get to share this experience with my little Evan. Since I was little I remember this event being the highlight of many of our Summers. We would watch every game and when our team played you better believe we cheered them on like we were there front row and center. Watching my team win in 2002 was legendary and possibly the most memorable. This year we plan on doing just the same. Watching all games together as a family. We celebrate wins and losses with lots of food, cold beverages, and plenty of dessert. Once we see everyone with their team's jersey, we know it's time to watch some fútbol. This year Pampers has come up with a brilliant idea to show off and support your team.
Pampers is bringing Latino families and their babies together to honor two very important aspects of their lives: national pride and a love of fútbol. Pampers Latino is launching "Mi Equipo, Mi Herencia" Virtual Stadium app and sweepstakes on the Pampers Latino Facebook page, to celebrate these two very quintessential parts of life in a memorable way. I am passionate about Soccer and experiencing this app for myself was great. I think it's cute and fun. After I uploaded and adjusted Evan's little face I was surprised with an adorable picture. I'll have to add this image to Evan's scrapbook, and when he's older I can share stories about our experience and excitement with each soccer game.
We invite your baby to be part of a once in a lifetime opportunity. And with the protection from Pampers he can live it without any interruptions. Passion for soccer and your team's colors are inherited, so upload your baby's photo and enjoy each game together! Enroll him at "My Team. My Heritage." and you'll have a chance to win a year of FREE Pamper diapers and wipes! How amazing is that? On top of that amazing opportunity, Pampers is giving away a box full of Soccer goodies to one lucky reader. All details are down below.

Let's get this party started! We are pumped and ready to cheer on our team!
- Objectivo More Than a Game Infant Onesie
- Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Singin' Soccer Ball
- Pele King of Soccer/Pele, El Rey Del Futbol (book)
- Baby Soccer Slippers
- Plush Doll
- Pampers Diapers
- Pampers Wipes

mommy blog
Most of our days begin like this, outside and looking extra messy. Messy hair, no pants, and wearing house shoes outside. I thought I would share with you guys a short glimpse of what most of our morning looks like. We do our normal to-dos once we wake up, like brush teeth and eat breakfast. Once these kids have some food in their system it's go time. Evan has a serious tan going on from being outside everyday. Our mornings consist of much play/quality time with Miss Bella. We try not to stay out too long because Texas heat is no joke.

I was having such a difficult time bringing Evan back inside, but I've discovered the best tear free method. Once I'm ready to cool off inside I immediately tell him it's time to go inside and wash our hands. He replies with "bubbles?" It works every time.

baby products
mommy blog
monthly wish list
I can't believe it's the second week of June. So crazy, right? I am not sure if I'm ready for Summer. The Texas heat is intense and everyday it gets hotter and hotter. However I want to be prepared this year. I want to make sure I have all the Summer necessities so we can all enjoy this HOT Summer. My wish list consists of items I love(not necessarily Summer items). That will possibly make me feel better while I'm outside in the crazy heat with my crazy babe. Lately he's obsessed with playing soccer outside. Wish me luck y'all. I'm sure I'll spend most of my days inside our awesome new pool, so that makes me feel a little better. Have a phenomenal weekend!! xoxo

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