Evan turns TWO in exactly one month. I just can't believe how fast these past (almost) two years have gone. We have made so many beautiful memories in this last year it almost seems surreal that I will soon have a two year old. He's so smart, wild and silly. I can just imagine how much smarter and crazier he will become. I hope this next year is full of amazing adventures and let the tantrums begin, I'm ready! HA!
Growth: Unsure about weight and height, but I'm sure he's a little taller and gained a few pounds since his last check up. He is currently wearing 18-24 months and wearing size 6 in most shoes.
Favorite Words & Other Milestones: His vocabulary expands and improves daily. He is starting to speak in sentences in both Spanish and English. If he's hungry or thirsty he immediately lets me know. If he wants or needs something I'll be the first to know.
He sings the ABC song and know his vowels in Spanish. He mastered counting from 1-10 in English and Spanish. He knows most of his body parts, and we are currently working on shapes and colors because we focused on letters and numbers for a while.
Favorite Foods: The past three months our diet has completely changed. We began eating all/mostly organic. Grass-fed meats, raw milk, raw butter, coconut oil, organic eggs and organic veggies. We cut all sugars from his diet only fruits every now and then. I thought this transition would be difficult for Evan because he was so used to eating the complete opposite. I wanted a healthier lifestyle for my family and so far so good. We don't eat like this everyday, but for the most part I try to cook three healthy and delicious meals for Evan. He loves his eggs with butter in the morning, yogurt and cheese are his favorite snacks, while carrots and chicken make the top of the list. His favorite fruits are mandarins and bananas. Oh, and on the weekend he loves to eat Pizza!!
Favorite Toys/Activities: Evan loves to play throw and catch(that's what he calls it) and playing soccer. Dancing to his favorite beats while singing along rocks his day. He has an obsession with Chuck E. Cheese and LOVES going there. Drawing and reading are activities we do daily. I am currently working on a chalkboard wall for Evan. I just know he would love it. He loves changing his shoes at least twice a day(is that normal? ha), wearing hats and sometimes just wearing cool socks entertain him.He enjoys taking trips to any store. He walks around and browses every aisle. I'm hoping he stays this calm forever! Hanging out with his cousins and being next to his mom all day!!

Least Favorite Activity: Sharing!! For the most part he loves to share toys with his cousins, but these mini cousin fights are inevitable. When I hear him scream "mine" I know I need to run to avoid any hitting. Every now and then we get little tantrums and I'm crossing my fingers that they don't get worse. Overall, he is such a good little boy. I am so lucky to be his mama.

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