I feel like I have not posted a non sponsored post in forever. The thing is since moving out to the country finding a internet company that serviced in our area was a nightmare. We tried any company that was recommend and nothing. If I had sponsored posts I would have to go to my sisters or my local Starbucks to finish my work. Despite how hectic that was I managed and made it work. After a LONG crazy year of waiting we found a company. They came out, installed and we are enjoying fast speed internet out in the country. I am currently working on this post and watching Netflix on T.V. drinking my coffee. It feels so good to open up my laptop and check emails from home. I have been so absent on my blog and all my social media handles.

Over the past year I have learned not to obsess over posting on Instagram or constantly be on Instagram or any other social media handle. I would sign on and catch up on posts from my favorite feeds, or post a picture when needed through my phone. Now that I have internet I feel like I can do so much. I don't know how I survived without WiFi for a whole year!😱

On another note Evan is in Kindergarten!! I can't believe he is in school. He is learning and enjoying school so much. Now I am kicking it solo at home. I am slowly adjusting to the peace and quiet. There is one thing that I am so excited for... FALL!! I am ready for pumpkin everything. I finally started decorating and hopefully sharing soon. Once I get more ideas and content I will for sure start posting more often. For now here are a few things I am loving!! XO

I am OBSESSED with this SKULL. I feel like you can use it as decor all year long, or maybe I am crazy! ha

Checkered Vans, they go with EVERYTHING!!

Kopari Coconut Melt, everyone needs this in their life!

Evan is loving his Native Shoes. He has been wearing them non stop!

I read The Universe Has Your Back earlier this year, and I can't stop raving about it. If I am ever feeling sad, mad, or scared I turn to this book. I encourage you to read it.

I am currently trying to finish Change Your Brain Change Your Life.