My little boy turns two this Sunday. Another year flew by and we have made so many beautiful memories. However, I never want to forget anything. Is that possible? I finally figured out a way to jot down every little detail. Something I can share with him when he's older that we will both enjoy. A few months ago I decided I would write down all of his accomplishments, my thoughts and my feelings in this little notebook of mine. I started monthly updates on my blog to go back and reminisce on Evan's growth, but I also wanted something a little more personal. A personal journal where I can write down feelings and moments that only Evan and I share. I have been doodling and writing everything on this notebook that one day Evan will appreciate. With Evan's birthday around the corner I have been venting and writing down all these bittersweet feelings. It's helping me get through his SECOND birthday. My baby is getting older, but he will always be my baby.
Thank you Tiny Prints for such a wonderful gift!