After four years of being a mom I have learned quite a lot about how important self care is. I was so used to taking care of myself before, but once I had a baby all of that changed. All my attention went to that baby and eventually not taking care of myself led to always feeling depressed and extremely insecure. Fast forward to now and I am happy and feeling better than ever. All thanks to giving myself a little more attention. I realized I was a strong, bad ass, and powerful woman. A new show that I am currently watching, Queen of the South, inspired me to share a few ideas to help you feel like a queen and slay life. Whether you are a mama or not I have a feeling these will work for you too!

Sometimes a facial, massage, or getting your nails done is all you need to feel refreshed and feeling like a queen! If you can't fit spa day in your schedule you can always try to do an at home mask or draw yourself a bath. The key is to feel beautiful! I have a four year old screaming "mama" all day, this one is crucial for me.

Invite all of your girlfriends over, grab popcorn, wine or coffee, and watch Queen of the South! I am currently watching the first season on Netflix, but I am anxious to catch up to the new episodes of season 2 airing each week on Thursday at 10/9c on USA Network. Let Teresa bring out the bad ass, powerful woman in you. I have only watched a few episodes, but I am hooked! Each episode is jaw breaking, intense, and empowering. Spend an evening with your girlfriends empowering each other to slay life!

Walking re-energizes me and just gives me life! Something about walking outside and breathing fresh air really helps my mood and I feel happy.

For me it is going to Coffee shops. I love going out for coffee with a friend or even with my family and it brings me great satisfaction. Do something that brings you satisfaction. Whether it's as simple as a coffee date, or going to a concert, or the movies. What ever you love to do, do it!

I have learned that buying myself an outfit and shoes instead of my kid is okay. I think everyone deserves a little retail therapy. It makes us feel good so why not? If a new outfit and shoes make you feel like a queen... do it!

Make sure to tune in every Thursday at 10/9c on USA Network, and catch up on the first season on Netflix!! What are ways that make you feel like a queen? xo