Before I sign off for the weekend I wanted to wish all of you amazing mama birds a wonderful Mother's Day!! Being Evan's mama is the best gift in the world. Motherhood has brought so much joy to my life. Connecting with other moms through blogging and Instagram makes motherhood even better. I wish I could send all of you flowers on this very special day. Happy Mother's Day!!! 😘

My sweet sister asked Evan a few question about me and this how he answered. His answers made me laugh and ever tear up a bit so I had to share. Give it a try and see what your kiddos answer. 😍


What is your mommy's name? Van
My mom is 76 years old.
My mom's eyes are white and black.
My mom's hair color is black.
My mom weighs 6 lbs, "She told me."
My mom is really good at playing Foosball & soccer.
My mom's favorite food is pizza & huevo.
My mom's favorite color is purple & pink.
My mom cooks the best macaroni and cheese.
M mom and I like to crack eggs together.
My mom's job is to watch movies.
My mom's favorite thing to do is cook pizza.
My mom always says come here.
If I could get my mom anything for Mother's Day I would get her a ring.