Happy November! So sad to say that Halloween is officially over, but so many exciting events are coming up. Our weekend was a little crazy. We finally have our own place and we were moving all weekend. Friday we took a trip to a pumpkin patch to pick a few small pumpkins to carve. They had a petting zoo and a hay ride. I wish we would have gone sooner because a lot of the pumpkins were gone and it looked pretty empty. Never the less, we had a really good time. They weather was perfect and the view was beautiful. Evan's costume arrived on Friday as well. He really wanted to be a ninja turtle this year and everywhere we looked they were sold out in his size. So I ordered it online and scored a thirty dollar costume for eight bucks and two dollar accessories. It worked out and even though the costume fit a little big I worked my magic and made it look awesome on my mini ninja turtle. We attended a fall festival on Halloween, which we do every year and then went trick or treating. I was so happy with how many houses were handing out candy this year. I remember trick or treating as a kid and the neighborhood where we went always went all out. Now I feel like every year I see less and less Halloween enthusiasm, but this year I was excited to see that excitement again. Kids all dressed up, spooky decor and lots of candy. Evan was exhausted after walking the entire neighborhood. We ended the night carving pumpkins and packing a little more. Hope your Halloween was extra spooky and fun.

Thumbs up to a successful weekend! XO