Evan has always loved bath time. The only thing he wouldn't enjoy as much was washing his hair. Luckily that has changed. This is now his favorite part about bath time. We have been using Johnson's baby shampoo for as long as I can remember. It's so gentle on his eyes and leaves his hair smelling so good. I catch myself smelling his hair all the time. For some reason the smell reminds me of my mom. She didn't even smell like this but maybe because she used this on all of her kids. 
For the past few weeks I feel like I have been cherishing moments with Evan a little more. Not that I didn't before, but maybe I am paying more attention if that makes sense. I want to remember more moments with my cool little guy. Bath time has become one of those times where we can just relax and be silly. Evan can't keep a straight face when we start doing silly hair styles and extra bubbles makes everything much more fun. We normally take baths in the evening. He is STILL waking up at night from time to time, and we are STILL co-sleeping so what ever helps him sleep longer is what we do on a normal basis. He is a messy boy and we do have accidents all the time, so at times we have to jump straight in the water. During bath time there are a few things that are a must have. Aside from Johnson&Johnson products we have other products that we can't live with out.
Favorite Bath Time Products:

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Do you enjoy bath time with your little one? What are some of your must have bath items/products? I would love to try out new toys and even products! Thanks for stopping by! XO