It's Friday already? Time slow down, I'm losing track of my days. I've been a little stressed this week, but the weekend is here so I'm requesting a all about mommy day. I need it! Here are our five! 

(ONE) Headbands: 
I've tried really hard to stick to one of my New Years resolution(taking care of me) and so far so good. There are days where I can't fix my hair so a headband does the trick. I am currently obsessed with Three Bird Nest headbands! 

(TWO) Baby boy boots
I have been looking for a pair of boots for Evan, and I finally found a pair. These are from the Children's Place and were only $8. I got a size too big because I'm not familiar with their sizing. I will be purchasing a smaller size so Evan can wear now. 

(THREE) No more booster seat:
This guy is getting so big. His high chair came with a boosts seat, but he is so long that I can't put him in or out of it. He's loving it, me not so much. Stop growing kid! 

(FOUR) Favorite shows:
After Evan falls asleep, my boyfriend and I love to catch up on our shows. We have so many shows on our DVR. New Girl and Parenthood are currently our favorite. What shows do you watch? Any recommendations? 

(FIVE) Crayons: 
I finally introduced Evan to crayons. He's getting better at not putting everything in his mouth so I figured he was ready. He's been drawing away. Now the only problem is if he finds a pencil or a marker he wants it and won't let go. He's turning into a little rebel. That little face says it all. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thank you Darci, Liz, and all the other hosts for this link-up. Xoxo